The myth of the European Union

*** The text was given out by activists at the “European Year of Citizens 2013. It concerns you” event @ Faneromeni Square Nicosia ***
The European Union is an international institution of capital, an elite of people (businessmen, politicians, banksters of all nations) whose only interest is to drain out our blood. It is a union of those who take the food from our mouth, those who grab what the workers produced with their work to give us back just the crumbs. Today they are keeping even the crumbs.

The attitude of the EU concerning the crisis has not been due to wrong policies or corruption. The attitude has been a conscious attempt to defend the interests of the capital. Its goal is to make workers pay for the crisis and to let the rich continue undisturbed enjoying the wealth that the workers produce, with their physical and intellectual effort. The few are enjoying their caviar and champagne and the rest of us are paying the bill … This is EU, this is capitalism.

The myths of the European idea, the European vision, the European solidarity and the “Europe of citizens” was the ideological mantle, which they used as a cover up for this foundation. The EU was founded in order to raise the profits of capitalists and to exploit more efficiently the workers. The “European unification” was not made for the interest of the people, but for the improvement of the European capital in the world economy. It has not been made from the bottom-up, on the basis of peoples’solidarity and peoples’struggles, but in a top-down way, on the basis of markets’ competitiveness and transactions’ flow.

The famous “European establishment” has created the fear of unemployment and poverty, it is the salaries of hunger, the middle-age working conditions of the 21st century. The famous “education” which promotes, is the learning of how to use the machine, how to work in an office, which means how to produce profit for the boss and surplus value for the markets.

The infamous “solidarity” of the EU is just the common interest of capitalists and their political representatives against the solidarity and the common fight of workers and whoever does not accept to compromise. Our interests are not the same with the ones of Cypriots, Germans, Greeks, Bulgarians businessmen or bosses but with the Cypriots, Germans, Greeks, Bulgarians workers … because in the world of bosses we are all foreigners. For the bosses of the EU, we are no more than numbers in accounting books and stock monitors, objects in the production of surplus and maximization of profit.

The “European vision” is nothing more than the vision of capitalists. In this vision of Europe, people are transformed into feed for a profit-making machine. In this vision the “citizens” have been turned into expendable paid slaves of a system that favors the economical and political elite sitting at the top of a hierarchical organisation of this authoritarian model and free market system they impose. The European capitalistic establishment is the one we need to overturn if we want to live and not just survive. We have to take our lives in our hands, to create our own vision. Without exploitation and submission, with human dignity and real freedom.